Hi i'm Shokirov Aziz 18 years old photographer and fencer athlete, member of National Team of Uzbekistan, i just love taking photos and being in THAT moment so i'm in Photography nearly 1 year, i speak fluently English Uzbek and Russian I hope you all like my work) .
Our Features
We work hard every day to make life of our clients better and happier
High Quality
all photos are edited and and were taken on a professional camera
Good Support
Always listen to customers and try to get better with my client's feedbacks.
Individual Approach
I always try to get to every client individualy and with some creative ideas for their photos.
Our Clients Love Us
i saw his works and immediately wanted to get photos like those and i am very glad that he took shots of me.
Dior Madaminov
Athlete member of National team of Uzb
For young Photographer his works are decently well executed and he can catch the right shots.
Farrukh Adhamov
Specialist of International Relations youngest FIE referee with 3 licences from Uzb
i don't really like being photographed but he did shoot some photos of me fencing i started loving this all thanks to him, photos are amazing!
Sheromon Komiljonov
Athlete Member of National team of Uzb
And More)
Recently seen his works and they are amazing. All photos are good
Radmir Vorojeykin
Athlete member of National team of Uzb
I really love these photos they are beautifull.
Sabina Adashalieva
Athlete member of National team of Uzb
All photos were cool and i would like to get more photos from him
Amir Atabekov
Athlete member of National team of Uzb
Explore my works
yet no one left with bad expierence
there are some more
also you always can go and check my inst: dreamingsmh
Our Contacts
Feel free to write and call me. We really love to communicate with our clients. можешь свободно писать и звонить мне. Нам нравится общаться с нашими клиентами.